Can A Custom Website Help Grow Your Funeral Home? Yes. Here’s How.
From preneed events to aftercare resources, you use several tools to help grow your business and serve families. But what about your funeral home website?
Is your website actively helping you accomplish those same goals?
A customized, educational, and lead-generating website can increase your funeral home’s market share, profitability, ability to connect with families online, and more. A powerful website can also inform consumers about their preneed and at-need options and encourage them to meet with you to get answers to their questions.
Now, your funeral home may already have a website that lists your contact information, obituaries, and a few photos of your facilities. While that’s a great start, your website could be so much more.
Your website has the potential to attract, educate, and care for families in a better way.
In this clip from our FD Talks podcast, Curtis Funk, Chief Executive Officer at Tukios, explains why it’s important to value your funeral home’s website and how it can help drive more families through your doors.
Curtis: “We’ve heard from funeral homes that have told us, ‘We had someone come in and said that they looked at funeral home websites in town, and they came to us because our website was so clean.’
“And even though that funeral home may not have the best building in town, they earned that family’s business because their website was simple and clean.
“When you’re dealing with your website and you’re a family-owned business, you want to make sure that you don’t look like the other guy down the street. So, the ability to customize and set yourself apart is important.”
As Curtis mentioned, a custom website can help you stand out from other funeral homes and bring in new families.
An organized website will allow families to find what they need quickly, so they’ll be more likely to think of you as their go-to funeral expert instead of your competition.
And since many families will learn about you online before visiting you in person, your website needs to lead families to answers. So, make sure new families get a great first impression of you through your website.
Curtis: “You might have a funeral home that’s older or maybe a little dark, and you haven’t had a chance to renovate it. Your website can put off a really welcoming and positive vibe. That’s one way you can bring families into your business.
“You have to look at your website as another location. You’ve got your physical location, and you need to think of your website as another location and try to make it as clean, modern, welcoming, and inviting as possible.”
Just like other parts of your funeral home, your website has the potential to grow your business like never before.
Regardless of your size, location, call volume, or history, a great website can act as your digital storefront and help ensure that your funeral home is around for years to come – and we’ll show you how.
Our new digital marketing packages include website management, and we’ve partnered with Tukios to provide proprietary options for customizable websites. We can build a website for your funeral home that looks great, helps you capture preneed leads, improves your service to families, educates consumers, and more.
Fill out the form to see how a great website can make all the difference for your funeral home.