Drive preneed sales…the right way.
At Funeral Directors Life, we believe your preneed sales program should be a service to your community. How we sell preneed is just as important as what we sell. That is why we work with funeral homes across the country to build preneed programs that really make a difference in the lives of the families we serve.
Grow your business with the Select Producer Program
Most preneed programs fail because of a lack of training, leadership, and support. Our Select Producer Program is designed to help you grow your preneed business quickly and easily from the ground up.
Unmatched training, technology, and support
With industry-leading recruiting and training, unmatched technology and resources, and incredible ongoing support, your Select Producer will be able to not only serve families the right way, they will also be able to help you grow your business both now and in the future.
Your sales professionals will receive the same industry-leading training, including consultative sales, Medicaid/BSI sales, Aftercare training, and our exclusive Wolfelt Experience training.
Your sales professionals will use DIGicon®, the industry’s most advanced preneed sales software. DIGicon saves time, increases accuracy, and offers a better sales experience for families.
Learn more about DIGicon® »Support
With Funeral Directors Life, your sales professionals will receive incredible ongoing support from our sales management team, from field training to coaching, regional training sessions, and more.
Outstanding results
With Funeral Directors Life, your preneed sales professionals will have all the tools they need to succeed and drive the growth of your preneed program.

Better Sales Results
On average, our sales professionals grow a funeral home’s preneed program by 68% in the first year. In some cases, preneed has increased up to 300%!

Higher Average Policies
Our trained sales force consistently sees higher than average policy sizes, beating the company average by up to $800.
What preneed product is best?
Preneed products are not “one size fits all.” That is because your preneed product selection should align with your business strategy. So, depending on your business strategy and typical preneed customers, you will need to select a preneed product that supports your business goals. That way, your funeral home will be set up for success.
Read this article to learn more

Improved accountability & management
Select Producers answer to our CEO
Funeral Directors Life offers the ONLY turnkey sales program in the preneed profession with a direct accountability chain from grandma’s kitchen table straight to the CEO’s office. Higher accountability leads to better results for everyone.

Happier families
Consistently high persistency rates
Our sales professionals are trained to educate families, discover needs, present solutions, and help families make decisions that are good for them and their loved ones, leading to happier, more satisfied families, and consistently high persistency rates over 90%.
“At the end of our first year with a Select Producer, the amount of preneed that we were doing had tripled. All of a sudden, the future of our funeral home is looking really secure, and at the same time, all the families are really well satisfied.”
Ted Beck
Funeral Director/Owner
Mount Joy, Manheim & Lititz, Pennsylvania
Ready to start growing your preneed program?
Submit your request for more information below, and your Funeral Directors Life sales manager will be in contact with you to answer your questions and find out how we can help you achieve your goals for your preneed business.