
Funeral Directors Life Now Offers New Online Signatures Option for Preneed Contracts at No Charge!

ABILENE, TX – Funeral Directors Life is proud to be the first preneed insurance company to offer an online signature option for preneed contracts at no charge. This solution is fully integrated with DIGicon®, the company’s proprietary preneed sales software.

“We have had the online signature feature on the roadmap for our development team for some time,” said Kris Seale, President and CEO of Funeral Directors Life. “But with the recent COVID-19 pandemic causing many communities to require social distancing, our development team went above and beyond to get this feature completed in record time.”

Funeral Directors Life’s new online signature option will allow preneed sales professionals to meet with families over the phone or online and collect signatures without having to print and mail a contract to a client family. With the option for meeting with families in person temporarily off the table, DIGicon’s new online signatures feature allows sales professionals to complete preneed sales quickly, accurately, and easily online.

“The online signatures feature through DIGicon is completely free and seamlessly integrated into the company’s business administration system, which makes the processing of new business much quicker than it would be with a third-party document signing software,” said Todd Carlson, Executive Vice President & Chief Sales Officer. “A native solution like this reduces errors from rekeying and allows funeral directors and sales professionals to save time and headaches from having to use fillable pdfs.”

“With this new online signature feature, virtual sales can be completed without the need for printing or mailing a contract back and forth, which is a huge win for our sales professionals, the families they serve, and the funeral homes they write contracts for. I am so proud of what our team has been able to accomplish in such a short time,” added Seale. “This is just another example of how our company is continually striving to be the leading provider of service to the funeral industry.”

To learn more about Funeral Directors Life’s proprietary preneed sales software, DIGicon, including the new online signatures feature, go to www.funeraldirectorslife.com and click on “Request Consultation.”

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