Recorded Webinar and Resources

FREE Recorded Webinar: 5 Mistakes That Can Tie Up Your Cash Flow

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has caused many funeral homes’ cash flow to slow down to a trickle. At-need calls are up but funeral averages are down, creating a recipe for disaster for your profitability, time management, and cash flow, especially when it comes to life insurance assignments.

Watch this recorded webinar to learn about the 5 mistakes you can’t afford to make with your life insurance assignments and cash flow. Terry Groban, EVP and CFO with Funeral Directors Life, and Michelle Morgan, Director of Business Services with CLAIMCHECK, discuss ideas, insights, and advice on how to avoid the top 5 mistakes funeral homes make that can stop their cash from flowing the way it needs to. This webinar covers how to quickly get your cash flow back to where it needs to be with a few simple principles.

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When families rely on life insurance assignments to cover funeral costs, you can be left with a ton of paperwork and a cash crunch. You need to get paid for the work you do, but processing a stack of life insurance claims shouldn’t be another thing you have to worry about. Plus, even after you process a claim, there’s always a chance that it will be denied due to an unforeseen issue with the policy. That’s where CLAIMCHECK comes in. CLAIMCHECK was developed as a tool for funeral directors to assist families with an alternative method of paying for a loved one’s funeral. We can handle your life insurance assignments and advance the funds at no cost to you. Our simple service gets your cash flowing again so you can focus on what you do best – serving families in their time of need.


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