Are you losing families to online competitors?

Statistics show that 230 million Americans, or 69% of the population, are shopping online. Consumers today are looking for ways to do everything online, from buying a car to planning ahead for funeral wishes. It’s inevitable. The question is whether or not they will plan ahead with you.

An online planning and funding tool designed for you

Since more than half of consumers in your market prefer to shop online, you need a simple and convenient online planning and funding tool. The problem is, most of the options for online planning today cater to low-cost direct cremation shoppers, which means that families who would typically prefer full-service funeral options end up purchasing a direct cremation.

Ready to start serving consumers who prefer to shop online?

Request a demo to see how Arrangement Guide can help you meet the changing needs of today’s families.

“The new online planning tool has been very beneficial for a lot of families, especially during COVID because they’ve been able to do everything online without having to come into the funeral home in person. It’s simple and streamlined for funeral homes and families, and there is not really another company out there that is offering an eCommerce solution that is so well-integrated into an all-in-one system.”

Kasi Welch Baker

Funeral Director/Owner
Nalley-Pickle & Welch Funeral Home & Crematory
Big Spring, Stanton, and Midland, TX

Offer families a best-in-class experience

The Arrangement Guide is different from every other online planning tool available today because it helps to educate families on the value of a meaningful ceremony. It’s simple, convenient, user-friendly, and offers a blended experience. If families start to plan online and want to finish in person, it’s easy for you or your preneed staff to pick up right where they left off with a seamless integration through Funeral Directors Life’s digital contract sales software, DIGicon®.

How It Works

Set up your package options.

We recommend offering full service funeral packages along with cremation memorial packages to offer families a full range of service options.


Receive your custom Arrangement Guide link.

Once your packages are set up, you will receive a custom link to your online planning & funding tool with your logo and contact information.


Start marketing!

Next, it’s time to share the news about your new online planning tool with a digital marketing campaign to drive traffic to your site so you can start getting qualified preneed leads.

No Monthly Costs and no Charge for Leads

Arrangement Guide is available to you at no monthly charge – just a simple, one-time setup fee. Plus, there is no charge for leads that come in! Note: Arrangement Guide is available in select states.

Recorded Webinar

What is your strategy for reaching online families?

Consumers are going to plan ahead online. The question is whether or not you will be able to capture those families before losing them to online competitors. So, you need a simple and convenient solution to help families plan ahead: an eCommerce tool. Download this eBook to discover what to look for in a tool and how to implement it successfully.

Ready to drive traffic to your online planning tool?

A starter marketing toolkit is included when you sign up for the Arrangement Guide or you can work with our Social Media Management team to create an ongoing digital marketing plan.

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