Bailey Hunter

Sales Coordinator

What is your favorite line from the movies?

“You must always have faith in people. And, most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.” – Elle Woods, Legally Blonde

How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as intentional and genuine. When it comes to interactions with people, my goal is to make a legitimate connection with them! Even if that means having to learn about things like video games, playing chess, or even folding origami (yes…I did that). I truly have a desire to show everyone that they are loved, recognized, and important!

What is your favorite quote?

“It is well with my soul.”

My favorite quote came from a woman who poured into my life for many years. Tanya Daume, the world’s best retired teacher, is the definition of humility. She often left people speechless by saying the same phrase repeatedly. Though this quote comes directly from scripture, when Mrs. Tanya used this phrase, you could almost feel her sincerity. It could be a seamless conversation response to a “How has your day gone?” To a genuine recognition of a struggle in her life. I choose to keep this quote close to my heart and use it daily. Jesus reminds us that regardless of circumstances because we know him, it is well with our souls.

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